Friday, March 13, 2009

Pregnant Thought for the Day No.1: Tension and Balance

Tension is the sensation an open system endures while outside forces compete to govern it.
Balance is the composition of any system conceived, with reason, as a unity.

Tension is to balance as the material and efficient causes are to the formal and final, and as physics is to metaphysics. By implication, some things are in tension, but everything is in balance.

Roberto Bolle


David said...

Mark Helprin is very good on balance in his novels. If you don't know John Betjemen's poetry, it will become very important to you as a Victorian preferring Brit.

Matthew said...

I just looked up the basic Betjemen on wiki. Any man who describes himself as "a poet and hack" ought to be just the ticket. I will seek him out as you advise.